On Wednesday 18 April 2007 11:13, Russell Jones wrote:
> There are far more important criteria for choosing a distribution than
> how nicey-nicey people are.
        This is very true ...

        ... and very wrong.

        At this point in time the openSUSE distro is "better" for several 
reasons than Ubuntu (I have objectively compared both and the 
state-of-the-art definitely favors openSUSE at this point in time) however, 
the Ubuntu "community" is bending over backwards to make "people" feel warm 
and fuzzy all over to get them to consider switching over (yes to FOSS) from 
M$ to Linux.  "People" feel good about Ubuntu... is it the best distro? NO. 
Is it the number (1) ONE distro... Yes.  (you do the math)  

        Fred's point is very helpful, if you can get past your arrogance long 
to get your head (and heart) around it.

Kind regards,

M Harris     <><
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