Alexey Eremenko wrote:
> hi all !
> Excellent new thing happened: Lessons for Lizards (LfL) is now
> publicly available for online web browsing !

Great! After a short overview, I found it to be a great book, indeed!

> LfL is a new community-based documentation book, that covers many
> topic, including the sexy topics, such as "VirtualBox" virtualization
> and "Looking Glass 3D" - 3D desktop, both of whom are alternatives to
> the more widely known Xen virtualization and Compiz 3D desktop !

Wow. Sun's Looking Glass in a opensuse related book, I am amazed.
> I wrote most of the topics in the book, and hope for some respect. 
congratulations and from my side you will get all the respect that you
need and deserve!

> have decided to focus on the less frequent topics, and I hope you will
> find something new, even if you consider yourself "advanced user",
> interesting and - enjoyable reading !
> What do you think of the current articles available?

Again, after a brief look: Great!
> link:
> ====================================
> Note, that some articles (non-my) are still in alpha-stage of development.
> LfL is indended to be offline - that is, it will be included in
> openSUSE 10.3, for those systems that have non-constant or no Internet
> connection. This is very important for me to have offline
> documentation, besides the online thing.

Same for me. So my wget is currently mirroring it to my harddisk...

> For those of you, who wanna start writing his own articles/topics, I
> would be glad to help.
Thanks again

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