Jim Sabatke wrote:
Billie Erin Walsh wrote:
"The source can't be read.
Maybe you don't have enough rights for this, or source doesn't contain
data (e.g: no disc in drive). (Error reading from DVD.)"

When I try to watch some DVD's in Kaffeine I get the above error
message. [ Region 1] [ 10.2 ] It seems that the ones that do this open
to a folder called video_ts in Konq. Inside the folder are what I assume
are the movie files [ ifo, bup, and vob files ] Konq just lists them as

Mediaplayer says there is no media on the  disk

Some will play through the FBI anti-copy message then stop in Kaffeine.

I have watched some of these movies on my other computer with Kaffeine
just fine. [ 10.1 and 10.0 ]

I just finished watching another DVD on this machine without any
hitches. [ Region 3 which brings up another question ]

I've downloaded and installed all the Kaffeine and xine updates from
Packman. Installed libdvdcss. I've read everything on the wiki and some
other sites dealing with playing DVD's in Kaffeine and don't see
anything I missed installing.

Is there something I just overlooked?

About the other question: In a certain Windows DVD player it said that
if I watched three DVD's from a certain region it would "lock" into that
region only. Does anyone know if Kaffeine does the same thing?

I was getting this error in Kaffeine for all DVDs at the point where the DVD reverses direction and starts playing the 2nd layer. After a LOT of googling, I found that installing libdvdcss2 seems to have fixed the problem.

Good luck,

Oh, and you can get an RPM for that library at:


Then just run (as root) "rpm -i libdvdcss2-1.2.9-1.i386.rpm
then "ldconfig"

and you should be good to go!

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