On 04/19/2007 06:17 PM somebody named Theo v. Werkhoven wrote:
> Wed, 18 Apr 2007, by [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
>> Joachim Schrod wrote:
>>> I have never used a Linux (or any other Unix system, for that matter) 
>>> without a locally configured mail system -- it is a sure disaster 
>>> waiting to happen.
>> Just to make sure to emphasize that point, since you might have 
>> misunderstood that in other emails:
>> Configuring a local mail systems means to configure and start a 
>> local service that can send email (and deliver email from the local 
>> to the local system, which is needed for other system services like 
>> cron). Most service implementations (postfix, sendmail) involve a 
>> running daemon process or at least a cron job to clean up the mail 
>> queue.
> Having some processes now and then sending mail hardly adds up to a
> queue.
>> That there is a running daemon process does NOT mean that the 
>> system is a mail server. Usually, the term "mail server" is only 
>> used for systems that accept email from other systems, but not for 
>> systems with a configured local mail service. (The technical 
>> meaning of "mail server" is actually "mail transfer agent that 
>> listens on the SMTP port and accepts inbound messages".)
> There is no need for a running daemon what so ever, just for a
> binary that knows how to receive mail from stdin, and connect to a
> receiving mail server on via TCP port 25, or how to receive mail
> from stdin and send the data to a mailbox.
> Theo

Yes.  Thank goodness there's at least one person here who understands
the situation.

I found this in the Mutt Guide, <http://wiki.mutt.org/?MuttGuide/Send>:

'Many MUAs provide facilities to comunicate directly with a remote
server, so that you don't need to have installed and running a local
server on the sending host. In those cases the mua comunicates directly
with a mail server (using the SMTP/ESMTP protocol), when you specify to
do it (e.g. when you push a button like "send all").'

Off to install a mail server on my cell phone....

"This world ain't big enough for the both of us,"
said the big noema to the little noema.

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