Stevens wrote:
> On Thursday 19 April 2007 16:15, Clayton wrote:
> Personally, I prefer a gui to cli since I am basically lazy and would
> rather point-n-click than lean over and open a terminal window and
> type, then wonder what I forgot to enter when it doesn't work right.
> Am I glad the "CLI Forever" types have been losing the war.
What war!? The command line is useful for some things and GUI interfaces
for others. It is more a matter of identifying which tool is best for
the job in hand.

GUIs are constrained in the complexity and type of tasks that can
usefully performed with them, mainly because they are both syntactically
and  sequentially limited, or to put it another way you can write a
short sentence, but there is problem in putting together a paragraph.

The command line interface in the *nix world not only allow build such
paragraphs, but reuse those paragraph with the command history. In some
ways one can be more lazy with the command line than with a gui when you
know what you are doing :-)

> Fred

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