On Thursday 19 April 2007, Clayton wrote:
> > Well if that's all he does, then yes, why bother with Linux?
> Mainly because he's a danger to himself :-)   This isn't a controlled
> corporate IT environment... it's a private computer.  It lasts a
> couple months max and has to be restored because he's been playing...
> Linux was looked at as a nice solution for stopping the whole "I just
> opened an email and poof, my computer went crazy" scenario.  Yes I
> know, antivirus, anti malware, anti spyware etc etc.  Linux is my
> preferred antivirus software :-)
> C.

Well then we are back full circle to Vmware, where you can take
a snap shot and revert to it at will.  Just leave that VM up maximized
on one of the desktops and Bob's your Uncle. 

It really is the best solution.  

You can do this for free if you know someone who has VmWare Workstation.

Just have them build a Virtual machine, empty, with nothing installed in it.

Then install Vmware Player, (free), boot up the Virtual machine with the 
windows CD in the drive and install your user's copy of Windows in the VM.

Only tricky bit is to and install Vmware tools from the extracted the ISO
(details on request).  Finally install Autocad.    It really is a sweet 

I just did this for a friend running Kubuntu who needed his windows available
for his get rich quick schemes.

John Andersen
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