2007/4/22, Ciro Iriarte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
2007/4/20, John Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Friday 20 April 2007, Philippe Andersson wrote:
> > I'm busy checking that everything survived the big switch, and I just
> > noticed that GoogleEarth now refuses to start (never reaches past its
> > splash screen).
> Start GE from a shell and you will see a bunch of messages.
> Invariably, its missing GL
> --
> _____________________________________
> John Andersen

Tenes alguna linea que diga "Load dri" o algo asi?, no recuerdo
exactamente la sentencia, pero tuve problemas con GE en mi laptop, al
habilitar DRI se soluciono


Hmmm, sorry, that happens when you hace many tabs open... I had issues
with GE running on my laptop, i had to enable DRI.

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