tleslie wrote:
I'll commit 50$ if we can get 39 more to promise here in the group,
that would put openSuse at $2086.24 and above the ubuntu/kubuntu
I am serious, this would be good press for Linux and good press for
openSuse, I'd even consider 100$ if we can get 19 other 100$ pledgers!
Lets put openSuse on top of this list!
The fact there's no link on that mail makes me suspicious. I found this:

That site says:
" OK, I'm closing comments because of devnet, I'm getting spam faster than I can delete it.

Some of you might wonder, "why do I care?" For years, these two have also been the source of at least half the bickering in the Linux community. Look at those forums, look at the guests getting annoyed with them. They are relentless pests, to the Linux community as well as the Internet at large. Generally, I care for the same reason that I want to eradicate spam! But I am also outraged that a third of a million dollars is being stolen by these greedy thieves that could go to REAL CHARITIES, like the Free Software Foundation, the Open Source Initiative, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, or even wherever people damn please to spend their money when they aren't being bullied about it.

Well, then, there'll be more later. My only other choice is to sit by and watch people be robbed blind, or be insulted and bullied if they resist. If my fellow members of the technology freedom movement are to be bullied, then I insist on being first in line for it. I ask each of you to dig deeper into this investigation on your own, if your community pride means anything to you."

Make of that what you will.

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