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The Wednesday 2007-04-25 at 03:55 +0200, Joachim Schrod wrote:

> Carlos E. R. wrote:

> > At least, it is something. I have seen, elsewhere, vievers that could sort
> > on the priority, display in different colours, or simply hide lower priority
> > messages as the user chooses.
> For one of our customers, my staff implemented a syslog-ng based management
> that stores the records in a PostgreSQL database, with an associated web
> interface that allows filtering, sorting, and appropriate visualization of log
> records, just as you mentioned. That's why I knew that there must be a
> possibility to record the level, it's one field in the database scheme that's
> used for filtering and visualization.

I see.

Yes, I have used heavy weight applications to record and analyze message 
logs (Lucent NFM). But you know, often I could find what I wanted with 
grep (or an enhanced, tailored, grep), better than with the very expensive 

> Actually, I discuss since several months with this customers if we shouldn't
> release that application and the associated management processes as Open
> Source. The technical department has no problems with that -- it ain't an
> application that's in core of their business, after all. The legal department
> has lots of qualms, though; they are concerned about indemnification and
> warranty, especially in the case of nuisance lawsuits. It will need lots of
> discussions. (Everytime I read on Groklaw that the SCO attack is a thing of
> the past, I recognize that I'm working in a different world. A world where
> that lawsuit still shows lots of effect.)

I guess that could be very interesting :-)

- -- 
       Carlos E. R.

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