On Thursday 26 April 2007 17:31, Felix Miata wrote:
> Have either of you two tried removing the UseModes line and the entire
> 'Section "Modes"'?
        Yes, I tried manually manipulating the xorg.conf file sixteen way to 
sunday... and nadda.  In my case no matter what I tried the X system was 
stuck at sending a horz freq of about 77.x  and the monitor said, unh-ah. 

> Also, I provide minimal flexibility for Xorg to choose wrong by setting
> 'VertRefresh 59-61' if 60 is the refresh I want (but I don't use LCDs
> either). Further, when using a DisplaySize line, I add this line to
> 'Section "Device"': 'Option "NoDDC"'. Recent Xorg versions seem to
> disregard DisplaySize when DDC is functional.
        Tried all of the above... and more...  and man was I frustrated... for 
its never happened to me before... and for another... it doesn't make 
sense... and comp sci is supposed to make sense.  Obviously us manual 
configurators are missing something when sax (or whatever) can probe and play 
at setup but simple humans can't *reconfigure* later??  
        It should be as simple for openSUSE fans to add a new display (or card) 
power down, install hardware, power-up system senses something has changed, 
goes into setup mode (installer, yast) probes, detects, configures, writes 
config... up and running... no hits, no errors, and runs all day....
        /end rant2


Kind regards,

M Harris     <><
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