
I really want to get the compiz-extra package from the build
repository (http://software.opensuse.org/KDE:/Backports/openSUSE_10.2/)
installed so I can use that stuff.  I tried to use the 10.1 repository
on my SLED 10 installation but that wouldn't work because it needed
metacity 2.15 or greater.  So I installed a fresh copy of openSUSE
10.2 then enabled XGL and desktop effects.  All seemed ok except that
the spinning cube was really choppy where its pefect in SLED10.  I
have an Intel 945G by the way.  So then I added the build repository
above to YaST and went into software management.  I then searched for
"compiz" and I upgraded the compiz and compiz-gnome packages, then
added the compiz-extra, and compiz-preferences packages and the
install went smoothly.  I then logged out and when I log back in, thus
restarting compiz I guess, I see no desktop and get booted to my
virtual console #1 which I guess apparently means that compiz is

I have the new openSUSE 10.2 and SLED10 dual booted, so I'm back in
SLED10 again and all is well, but sadly, no extras.

So how can I get the compiz-extra stuff to work in openSUSE10.2?
Alternatively, is it possible to get it working in SLED10?  This is
all x86-64 too.

Thanks in advance,
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