On Saturday 28 April 2007 12:56, G.T.Smith wrote:
> ...
> Below is some humour which a) involves linux, b) possibly involves
> some SuSE engineers, and therefore is probably closer to topic of the
> list than the original post..
> http://www.strangehorizons.com/2004/20040405/badger.shtml
> BTW If there are any dead badgers on the list I apologise in
> advance... O:-)

There's at least one live Badger on the list!

"Reanimation puts most creatures in a foul mood, and the test badger 
woke up murderously angry, ..."

Badgers are permanently murderously angry, don't they know?

"Do not taunt zombie badgers."

Do not taunt Badgers, period.

Perhaps when I die, someone will reanimate me in this manner. I'm kind 
of hoping to go out like Cyrus Ramsey. That's a death worthy of Badger 
engineering student... Especially one who switched to CS!

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