Felix Miata wrote:
On 2007/04/26 13:05 (GMT-0500) Jay C Vollmer apparently typed:

On Thursday 26 April 2007 11:15, Alexey Eremenko wrote:

congratulations for this new feature in 10.3 !
I really like it !

1. Who made it?
2. Where can I find documentation that allows me to change bash
prompt? (colors, symbols, etc...)
I know this is a bash-specific PS1/PS2 variables were changed...

You can define your $PS1 variable in root's .bashrc file like this:

export PS1="\[\e[31;1m\]\u# \[\e[0m\]"

This line surns your text red(\[\e[31;1m\]) prints the prompt (\u$ )
then turns the text coloring off (\[\e[0m\])

That seems simple enough until you discover that you don't always have the
same background color. So it needs the background color accounted for as
well in order to guarantee adequate contrast. e.g., when on Konsole the
background is white ("\[\e[30;47;1m\]\u# \[\e[0m\]"), but on tty[1-6] the
background is black ("\[\e[37;40;1m\]\u# \[\e[0m\]"). How is that done?

Change your default color schema for konsole (I prefer
black background, green chars).

Other colors are likewise available using the
following codes:

RED     "\e[0;31m]"
YELLOW  "\e[0;33m]"
PURPLE  "\e[0;35m]"
WHITE   "\e[0;37m]"
BLUE    "\e[0;34m]"
BLACK   "\e[0;30m]"
CYAN    "\e[0;36m]"
BOLD    "\e[1;1m]"
BLINK   "\e[5m]"
INVERT  "\e[7m]"
UNDRLN  "\e[4m]"
OFF     "\e[0;0m]"

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