Clayton wrote:
I've been trying to chase down an extremely annoying problem I've been
having.  On what you could almost call heartbeat regularity, roughly
once ever 2 to 3 seconds, my computer has been doing a micor-pause.
One of the CPUs (AMD X2 3800+) spikes to 100% and everything freezes
for a fraction of a second.  You don't notice it unless you're
watching a video file or playing a game... then it becomes annoying to
the extreme.

I don't have zmd installed.. or beagle... so I started looking into
the processes running... stopping or killing one and seeing if it made
a difference.  I traced it down to ruby.  If ruby is running I get the
regular CPU spike.  Kill it... problem is gone.  I can't uninstall
ruby without pulling down Amarok as well.  Not much of an option.

I know that Ruby is a scripting language... beyond that not a lot...
question is, how is it that Ruby is killing my performance so much.
If it's a scripting language.. what is it doing that spikes my CPU to
100%... or what would be using it and spiking the CPU with whatever
it"s doing.

Amarok hums along just fine with Ruby dead and gone.. no functionality
is lost in Amarok - that I can see.

Has anyone else noticed this issue? Any suggestions or ideas what is going on?

All I can say is.. if it were a "micro" pause, then how would
you even notice it in the first place?

Macro = that which is descernable by the body/mind.
Micro = that which is too small to be seen/felt/etc without
        instrumentation (such as a microscope..)

I'm a computer systems engineer, I've been programming since 1980,
I've used and programmed on more operating systems than I can
remember... what in the hell is a "micro pause" because I have
never seen that term used before...ever...for anything.

Sounds to me like you're just making up terms to ascribe to the
microprocessor what is probably a hardware fault (probably related
to I/O), or a programming bottleneck (like say, an exclusive
lock on 10,000 rows on a database, causing all other processes
which try to access those rows to be put in a sleep state until
the rows are unlocked -- yes, I've seen this happen -- a
4-CPU machine running 96% idle was upgraded to an 8-CPU
machine running at 98% idle).

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