On Wednesday 02 May 2007 13:49, Carl Spitzer wrote:
> Its also part of the political correctness movement which is
> unamerican and unconstitutional.  There is no right to not be offended.
        You might be interested in the book, "No More Bullies," by Frank 

        Your statement is patently false... some of us believe that we are 
endowed by 
our creator with certain unalienable rights... that among these are life, 
liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Whether you like it or not there must 
be limits for decencies that respect the sensibilities of masses of people 
unitied for the purpose of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Yes--- 
we do have personal rights to a decent protection against attack... sexual, 
verbal, physical, &etc.  All human beings have this right--- whether their 
national constitution spells it out or not.  Dehumanizing attacks intended to 
demean, inflame, (pick your word), are a violation of basic human rights... 
against basic human sensibilities.  Its not about PC, or liberalism... I 
generally recoil at liberalism (registered Republican). However, I do believe 
that freedom of speech carries with it responsibility of speech.  

        As for boys needing to grow up to be insensitive... that kind of 
thinking led 
to the Columbine shooting... it also led to the VT shooting... and it will 
continue to lead to shootings... until folks get it through their head that 
insensitivity (and probably bullying) is what makes the difference for a 
Seung Hui Cho.  

        Please take a look at Peretti's book--- its an eye opener.

Kind regards,

M Harris     <><
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