Hello everyone

The firs I want to say sorry about my english.

I'm an administrator of one of polish sites about suse and opensuse:


about 3 years of my work I have a clear view about problem of polish users.

Everything what I can do now is to describe those problems and maybe this will 
prepare next relases of opensuse to be more problemless than now

1 problem


in poland as in all east contries we have an national monopol of 
telecomunication witch is for about 70% of peoples one way to have an 
Internet access the adsl acces by atm using thompson sagem and zxdsl

in 32 bit
two first are easy to use (get firmware and configure) but only if you have 
most popular wersion but the last is useless

in 64 
nothing is working:
in my small investigation (I'm don't have 64 bit computer) there aren't 
modulest to atm and ppp in default kernel

the rest problems are usual and there is no needs to describe it now

I'm interested in support ppp atm etc in 10.3 in 32 and 64 version
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