Mohamed Haidar wrote:
> James Knott wrote:
>> Make sure you're not sharing your computers to the internet.  You can
>> get a dynamic DNS service, which will follow your IP address.  You can
>> also run a script in Linux, whenever the IP changes.  There is provision
>> for this in the DHCP client.
> Sounds pretty good, thx for the help. Now how would a basic script to do
> that look like in general. Nothing specific , just some pointers or is
> that outside the scope of the discussion.
> Thx  guys for  the  help, very appreciated.
Set up an account at, and use ddclient (it comes with
openSUSE 10.2) to make sure to update the IP if it changes.

Joe Morris
Registered Linux user 231871 running openSUSE 10.2 x86_64

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