John Andersen wrote:
> On Sunday 06 May 2007, Jim Flanagan wrote:
>> Peter Bradley wrote:
>>> Ysgrifennodd Jim Flanagan:
>>>> Hi John,
>>>> I did what you suggested, and followed the detailed steps at
>>>> at the same time. I still got the black
>>>> screen of death. Went to runlevel 3, watched the splaten and sparken,
>>>> did the rpm install, rebooted, black screen of death. At that point
>>>> Ctl-Alt-F1 would not get me to a tty. Ctl-Alt-Backspace would not do
>>>> anything either. The only way I can access the system at this point is
>>>> thru SSH.
>>> Silly question probably, but did you do aticonfig --initial after
>>> you'd finished the install?
>> Yup, I ran ldconfig, and aticonfig --initial --input=/etc/X11/xorg.conf
>> Tks,
>> Jim F
> I vaguely remember something about this in posts of recent weeks.
> Lockups of X server, and a work around.  I can't recall the details.
> Have you searched Novell's bugzilla or the archives.
> Just for grins, try booting with a boot command line parameter
> of "hpet=disable"  (or nohpet if x86_64. )  I don't know where I
> read that or maybe I'm mistaken, but its harmless in any event.
I looked thru recent posts and found one from M Harris on May 4th with a
similar black screen problem. While he has a different card than mine,
both are ati radeon. I followed his instructions about running     sax
-r    first, then

      aticongig --initial --input=/etc/X11/xorg.conf

But this did not fix my problem. I still get the black screen. Sax2
fails to run. Also at this point Ctl-Alt-F1 does not work, then or after
a reboot. The system is in runlevel 5, but the screen and keyboard are
frozen, don't know about the mouse as I can't see anything.

So, once again I uninstalled the rpm I made from the ati downloaded
driver, and I can now get back to kde. But something is broken now.
glxinfo or glxgears do not work. Nor does my screensaver. I get the
following message in kde when i tr to set the screensaver...

     The specified library screensaver cold not be found.
     The diagnostics is:
      /usr/lib/libGL so.1: undefined symbol: drmCloseOnce

      Possible reasons:
          - An error occurred during your last KDE updrade leaving an
orphaned control module
          - You have old third party modules lying around.

This "/usr/lib/libGL...... error is the same one I get when trying to
run glxinfo (as posted above).

So at this point I either need to get the ati driver working somehow, or
get my configuration back to the default driver and setup. I do not want
to re-install this installation, only the X configuration.

Again, I'm running a radeon 9800 pro, opensuse 10.2, xorg-x11 updated to

Any help most appreciated.

Jim F
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