For the archive...

I recently updated an on-board pci video with the ATI X1050 (hardware) and 
activated the card's 3D accelerator (see the archive for the details). 

I soon noticed that two X servers were running (one session owner, the other 
sleeping) both on  :0  vtty7, the one looking like a fork of the other... 
same mem, same start time, incremental process id, no associated  -:0  and no 
running time... obviously not doing anything except taking up memory and 
irritating me.     :-O

Well, I wanted the fglrx driver from ATI for the 3D acceleration and failed to 
realize that the larger contribution of the driver is dual head support. 
Although I had the xorg.conf configured as only one screen, CLONE mode off, 
Xinerama off, DesktopSetup "s" (single), and have only ONE display card with 
only ONE monitor... the silly driver starts a second X server to handle the 
second head --- if I ever want to add it !

I have not been able to find a way to prevent the startup, except to turn on 
Xinerama. Xinerama will handle both monitors on one X server as one large 
desk... or, by turning Xinerama off two X servers can be running, one for 
each of the monitors. If I turn on Xinerama then the second X server does not 
startup... *and*  3D acceleration is not activated.   <rats, catch 22>

Of course all the help on the web is regarding HOWTO make dual heads work... 
not HOWTO disable dual heads....   :^)    So, it looks like this little 
feature is normal... the second server (always has a larger process number 
and Stat codes of SL+ ) can be killed -SIGTERM, and the primary session owner 
will function fine without it--- (has a lower process id, active time, and 
Stat codes of SLs+ ).   Or if memory is not an issue... just let it sit in 
memory....  I'm pretty sure its not a trojan waiting to do something naughty.  
Probably not.  Most likely not.  nah.


Kind regards,

M Harris     <><
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