--- John Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thursday 10 May 2007, frank nelson wrote:
> > > Says you.
> > >
> > > Find me ONE published report of Ballmer
> retracting
> > > his claim.
> > > Just one !!!
> > >
> > > ...  Waiting!!!
> >
> > You made the original claim, not me. Unless you
> cam
> > substantiate the claim, with recent cites, the
> claim,
> > as stated, is false.
> >  
> Nope, I don't need recent cites.  Until retracted
> Ballmers
> statments stand as official Microsoft Policy.  
> Therefore the onus is on you to find a retraction.

You made a statement that by it's nature is deemed
false if you can not substantiate it. There is no onus
on me to do anything. If you refuse to substantiate,
or retract, I can only conclude that you knew the
statement was false, yet made it anyway, making you a
liar, and no more to be believed than Mr. Ballmer.

As it now stands, you have no credibility whatever,
and I see no reason to continue any discussion with
you, on any matter whatever.

Have a nice day. We are done.

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