Op Friday 11 May 2007 20:24:49 schreef Petr Klíma:
> Aaron Kulkis wrote:
> > I think it's more of an observation effect.
> >
> > Windows is so buggy, that when hardware errors do occur,
> > it's just background noise in the all-too-typical crashing
> > and failing...
> Well, I don't agree at all. What I experienced was correct Windows
> behaviour (no errors, at least none reported) while in LInux programs
> crashed now and then without apparent reason.
> I agree with Carlos that LInux most probably uses hardware more
> aggressively, something like leaving less time between successive
> actions therefore leaving less time for the things (signal levels etc.)
> to settle down. That wouldn't be a problem for perfectly stable hardware
> whose critical operating frequencies are quite higher than the real
> operating ones (e.g. all transients finished soon enough). Once you got
> hardware which is operating at (or behind) the edge, you may get anything.

As example: we once obtained a computer that had been running windows fine for 
ages.  The moment we started installing linux on it, it failed.  Indeed it 
already failed during the installation!  Running a memory check tool showed 
that memory was bad => computer to the IT department, they stated that there 
was nothing wrong with the system using their tools!  After talking a bit 
longer the faulty memory got replaced and the machine started to behave 

From this we learned that linux uses indeed all resources that it has 
available, while MS does probably not....

Richard Bos
Without a home the journey is endless
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