On Friday 11 May 2007 21:42, Damon Register wrote:
> > On Wednesday 09 May 2007 18:08, George Osvald wrote:
> >> I bought a new fridge yesterday. Anybody cares to discuss?
> >
> >       Is it one of those smart fridges with an embedded linux server?
> Is that the one that makes ice cream?  I remember reading about an
> ice cream vending machine that was linux based.
        I was thinking of the prototype that worked in conjunction with your 
card... it tells the card that you're low on milk... and then the card tells 
the system at the local grocery, and when you arrive at the checkout with 
your other stuff there is your milk--totalled and waiting in the bag... 
        When you arrive home the smart card talks to the fridge and the fridge 
updates its inventory. 

        (this is no joke)

Kind regards,

M Harris     <><
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