On Friday 11 May 2007, steve reilly wrote:
> On Friday 11 May 2007 14:47, Jack Malone wrote:
> > I'm in the market for a new server for work here. I'm looking for some
> > company that builds server class machines that are pretty much certified
> > to run suse linux either version (enterprise or opensuse). I do not have
> > to the have the os installed on it but it would be ok if it came with
> > machine. I need a raid 10 setup in the machine. I just want some good
> > sources to start looking at that are known linux vendors. I know I can
> > build my own machine up but at this point I'm ready to get a machine
> > I know will run suse with no problems, just have to plug the os into the
> > machine an start working.
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> >
> >
> > Jack Malone
> you look at dell poweredge servers yet?

Yup, very nice boxes.  Come in a variety of sizes and
capabilities.  They even sell SLED with them and 
I highly recommend it for a server. 

Dell's high mid to high end Poweredge servers are
industrial grade, and built to last.  

Ok Thanks  to all who have replied so far. 

I have looked at dell not that much but I did briefly spec out one machine.

My boss is not favor of buying a prebuilt machine, but everyone else
including me is ready to go out an get a nice machine that is cerified to
run suse on it.  I'm quiet tired at this point of the trial an error of the
home breew boxes for a server. Now I will continue to spec out boxes for
workstations for a while. 
He keeps harping on that we are farming out our maintance everytime its
brought up from anyone but I'm working on him I think a little bit. 

Again thanks to all who have replied so far. 


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