On Saturday 12 May 2007 02:14, George Osvald wrote:
> If I could compare that experience with anything then I would probably
> mention my experience with MAXTOR drives (or superdrives). They were
> supposed to be superior,best, fastest and all that advertising rubbish.
        Yes.  The folks at namesys might agree with you also.  You should take 
a look 
at their FAQ and specs... most of the time (like almost without exclusion) 
reiserfs bugs turn out to be the hardware.  I will also point out for your 
benefit (hope it makes you feel a little better anyway) that every single one 
of my own "lost drives" was a Maxtor drive...    but to be fair...  it is 
never a question of "if" your drive will go out... its a matter of "when" 
your drive will go out...  and if you're running EXT3 when it goes out you're 
going down.... if you're running reiserfs when it goes out you're also going 
down. I hope you read the note I wrote to Pat too... but I would suspect that 
your experience was hardware related and not reiserfs related--- seriously. 
At any rate (as you might have guessed) I'm really hoping that openSUSE will 
reconsider on making reiserfs the default... and I hope that a good group 
will take the namesys folks on and help them get the Reiser4 fs into the 
mainline kernel soon. The filesystem is good, and its worth saving and 
promoting... regardless what happens with Hans.

Kind regards,

M Harris     <><
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