I believe the term is bold faced liars, but in any case, if you look at
that article, by the way, MS seems to be trying to go after the Fortune
500 companies.  Never mind the fact that they are some of their biggest
and best customers.
M Harris wrote:
> ehem,  vindicated ... again ...
>       Well, the other shoe has dropped. The leopard in Redmond is really 
> desperate... showing its final spots waaay too early. Those M$ yutz actually 
> think they are going to get the cat(s) who have escaped the bag to not only 
> get back into the bag on their own, but pay royalties ta-boot. What maroons.
>       M$ is actually saying that the reason "free" software is so stable is 
> because 
> it violates 240+/-  M$ patents....   and its time for the FOSS to pay up 
> royalties.  Micro$oft *must die*.  This has just gone too far. 
>       Oh, but really, all M$ wants to do with Novell is improve 
> interoperability... 
> really... believe us... we're BALLED FACED LIARS but please believe us... 
> please...?
> http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/2007/05/28/100033867/index.htm?section=money_latest

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