Dave Howorth wrote:
> Jan Karjalainen wrote:
>> S Glasoe wrote:
>>> On Monday May 14 2007 10:08:29 pm frank nelson wrote:
>>>> Only fair. It would be a bit hypocritical to demand a standard
>>>> for others, that one does not demand of oneself.
>>> Ah that'd be Microsoft Marketing 101 just down the hall second door
>>> on the right.
>> http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1759,1729908,00.asp
> Did you look at the date on this article and the date in the subject line?
Yes, but the quote (snip below) does stands as true, even if it's a
couple of years old.

"the OSRM study, which found that Linux potentially, not definitely,
infringes 283 untested patents, while not infringing a single
court-validated patent."

I'd really like to lay one across your teeth. -- Beverly
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