On Wed, 2007-05-16 at 11:45 +0200, James Hatridge wrote:
> On Tuesday 15 May 2007 03:39, M Harris wrote:
> > On Monday 14 May 2007 19:09, S Glasoe wrote:
> > > And this has what to do with a technical issue with openSUSE Linux?
> >
> >     If you cared a whit about the technical issues with Novell openSUSE (let
> While I agree with you that we should stay in the know about the evil empire 
> I 
> should point out, what the shitheads at M$ say or do means nothing to me. 
> #1 I will not pay M$ for Linux.
> #2 I do not pay M$ for M$ or I should say I pay what its worth. :)
> #3 In the future I will not pay M$ no matter what. 

Where do you buy your hardware from?
Even assembling your own system, somewhere you are probably paying some
MS tax. 

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