On Fri 18 May 2007, Philippe Andersson wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> Peter Nixon wrote:
> > If any one has the SUSE 6.1 media kicking around I would appreciate them
> > shooting me a copy of the fping source rpm (There are 6.1 - 7.x boxes on
> > the network so I will need to build it for a few different versions) or
> > even the fping binary rpm.
> I'll have a look at home. I started using SuSE during the 6.x era, but I
> can't remember by heart what the first version I bought was. 

heh. I still remember installing SUSE 5.x (5.3 I think) for the first time 
after spending years arguing with RedHat... I've never looked back :-)

> I still have 7.0 and 7.3 sitting on my desk, if that can help you.

The fping src.rpm from 7.0 would be very helpfull if you can find it



Peter Nixon
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