I would be interested in others feeling/experience about the very slow
resolution of browser enquiries of typical ISP - Particularly if you are
in Australia.
I ran some stats on my ISP's DNS servers ability to resolve enquiries -
The stats were surprising in the number of re-try and Drops. My ISP is a
real one and not a partition of bigpond or optusnet. This is
particularly noticeable now my speed has increased to min 24000/1000kbps
via a DSLAM link.
For others it is interesting that Australia being so isolated; the
amount of bandwidth available to get out of the country to the nearest
major hub is limited and ultimate accessibility to TLD's requires an
enormous amount of hops. A situation you don't every need to think about
in North America or Europe.
To illustrate our delima all you need to do is a traceroute on you ISP's
DNS server(s) in .AU.
To try to overcome the situation I have set-up my own DNS server - to
make all my enquiries and rightly or wrongly I have added zones well up
the TLD ladder - I'll probably get kicked off some of my zones but s far
o.k (My first zone is a root server in Japan)
Put simply the enquiry is
Has anyone (particularly living in AU) noticed a slow response or
incomplete resolution of DNS from their ISP.
My apologies first and foremost for what appears to be a parochial
issue. I hate being that way.

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