On Sat, 2007-05-12 at 22:38 +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Sat 12 May 2007 22:18, James Knott wrote:
>  Also, anyone  who's used audio cassettes for data storage can tell you 
> about failures!   ;-)
> TRS-80 days . . . & probs with wobbly plugs!

TRS 80-4p yeah those where sturdy little machines attached KB, no HD
unless you wanted to buy one the size of a turntable which cost $500.
I still have a disk notch-er for making use of dual sided single density
5.25 floppies.  I donated it many years ago and its probably in a
museum.  Came standard with green or black screen and two floppy drives.
I can not remember trashing any disks except when someone set a drink on

Nice to meet another old timer.

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