I have a laptop with a strange behaviour. If I turn on ACPI when I boot the machine, the USB connections do not work (or at least, they work very bad. A USB mouse is very very slow).

If I turn off ACPI when I boot the boot the machine, the USB connections do work but the wireless card does not work.

I would like to have a setup, where both the wireless network card and the USB ports are working at the same time.

I had been looking at http://www.novell.com/documentation/opensuse102/opensuse102_reference/data/sec_pmanage_acpi.html but I have my problems to find oout, which module I should include, and which I should exclude.

I hope someone know how to help me.

I could imagine some information of the BIOS system would be a great help, but I do not know how to get the information for the BIOS. Only thing I can see is, the BIOS is based on software from Inside Software CDU.

Best regards
Torben Frøberg

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