On Tuesday 22 May 2007, Jonathan Arnold wrote:
> Mohammad Bhuyan wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Can anybody give me a technical insight on
> Just one man's answers.
> > 1. If the KDE that's included in OpenSUSE is a customized version
> > than the standard KDE released from KDE.org? I have seen mentions
> > in the internet relating to something about OpenSUSe maintaining
> > its own KDE?!!!?
> I don't believe it is a customized KDE.  Yes, there are certain apps
> that get installed, and there is the special menu (which can be
> toggled to use the standard KDE menu). But that's about it, as far as
> I know.
> > 2. If its not customized than one can expect to get the KDE release
> > from KDE.org and install it in ones current OpenSUSE installation.
> > Right?
> No, it would be better if you got the one from a SUSE build source.
> An easy way to do this is to use YaST->Software Packages and change
> the Filter: to be Patterns, and pick the KDE Desktop and KDE Base
> systems.

Actually, I think you'll find that SuSE's KDE has been "touched" quite a 
bit by the SuSE developers.  There are lots of differences, some 
noticeable, others not so, but several changes.  Just take a look at 
another distro using KDE that uses the standard packages from kde.org 
and you should immediately see some differences.  Also, take a look at 
SuSE's src.rpms to see what patches, etc. they do.

You can install the kde.org files without expecting problems, but your 
best bet would be to continue with the SuSE builds, if you are 
satisfied with their changes and additions.  Usually SuSE is pretty 
good at keeping abreast of the latest versions, but again, if you 
prefer to stay on the edge, KDE from kde.org won't kill ya!  Too much 
that is.  ;-)

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