On Tuesday 22 May 2007 20:20, Chris Arnold wrote:
> Kernel see the strokes and all is well, except, in control center, i do not
> see where to map the numbers to the buttons. I looked in the "keyboard"
> applet and i was able to map the vol buttons in the "shortcuts" applet.
> Where exactly do i map the browser buttons to the browser? Thanks again for
> the help
        Assuming the kernel has the keys mapped, AND xev shows a valid keysym 
each key----  please check with this:

        from a terminal konsole on your desktop, enter:

        xev | grep -i "keysym"

        Now, press the key you are interested in and then move your mouse over 
xev window and the keysym data should appear in your terminal window.  If the 
key has a valid keysym for the scancode, then no problem.  Otherwise you will 
need to bind a keysym to the scancode with xmodmap.  In your home directory 
you simply create a file called  .Xmodmap  with the entries you need--- for 
instance:   (these are just examples, yours will be different)
        keycode 223 = XF86LogOff
        keycode 233 = XF86Forward
        keycode 234 = XF86Back

        Then you make them available with:

        xmodmap  .Xmodmap          <===please notice the dot in the name

        You can look at the keysym database  /usr/X11R6/X11/XKeysymDB  for 
symbols that you can bind.

        After you add the entries to your  .Xmodmap  file in your home 
directory, and 
run   xmodmap .Xmodmap,   then test your keysym entries by running the xev 
experiment again... this time you should see the keycode and the keysym 

        You are now ready to have KDE do something with the keysym bindings.  
You do 
this within the Control Center using the following directions:

        Pull up the appropriate control center panel with :

        SUSE ===> Control Center ===> Regional & Accessibility ===> Hotkeys

        1) Create an action group name based on your keyboard... mine is a 
internet keyboard... so I just called my new group  Dynex.
        2) Create an action subgroup under that for Firefox
                (you can have many groups and subgroups, like one for 
        3) Under Firefox create a K-menu Entry simple
                a) call it  "search"    (no quotes)  (it will be used to start 
                b) click keyboard shortcut... and press the button on your 
keyboard for 
starting firefox... the keysym bound for that button will fill in the 
shortcut box...     we're almost done
                c) click menu entry   (it will contain the program name)  and 
"firefox"  (no quotes)  in the field
                d) click   Apply

        4) [ let's do another one for the "forward" button ]
        4) Under Firefox group create a  Keyboard Shortcut Keyboard Input  
                a) call it "page forward"   (no quotes)
                b) click keyboard shortcut and press the forward multimedia key 
on your 
keyboard to fill in the shortcut keysym binding
                c) click keyboard Input Settings and make the keyboard input  
Alt+Right  and 
"send input to active window"     
                d) click  Apply

        Simply repeat these instructions for as many keys as you want to 
all 19 keys on my Dynex are configured to do something... 

        keep in mind that these bindings only work while kde is up and 
for instance,  I have a key that ejects my cdrom (and also closes it) from 
the keyboard... but I cannot use that button to open the cdrom door from my 
black screen consoles... nor does it work in run level 3.  Of course the 
keyboard can be mapped for run level 3 also... but that is another story.

        Also,  the keyboard shortcuts for the apps you are configuring must be 
to you... for instance you must know that  Alt+Right  is the page forward in 

        The first few of these you dink around with will be a little confusing, 
after you do a couple you'll have the whole keyboard mapped in no time.

Caveat:  If you're using gnome, consider using KDE.... just kidding... there 
is probably a way to do this same thing in gnome... but I don't have a clue 
how because... I don't use gnome...   :)

        Have lots of fun.

Kind regards,

M Harris     <><
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