Verner Kjærsgaard wrote:
Onsdag 23 maj 2007 09:49 skrev Joachim Schrod:
Fajar Priyanto wrote:
> How do I achive the default umask inhereted from the parent directory? I
> read some suggestions from google to adjust the global default umask, but
> I think it's a bit risky, or is it the only way?

Phil answered your question how to enable the RH behavior by
setting the umask globally.

If you don't want to do this, there is the possibility to use
access control lists (ACLs); the default ACL determines the access
right of newly created files.

I don't know if the global umask setting is sufficient for you, so
I stop here with the explanation; ask, if you need more info.

perhaps I don't understand your problem, but could you not just put

umask 002 (or whatever you desire) into

.bashrc in the /home/geecko directory?

I don't have a problem. :-)
The ability to set the umask was already pointed out by Phil -- and that was mentioned in my post, cited by you, above.

But the OP asked also if this isn't too risky, read it above, namely without the rest of the RH setup that associates a group for every user. The answer is, as so often: "It depends on your situation." Changing the umask globally for all or even for one user may not be what the OP actually wants.

I just wanted to add the hint that there are also the ability to use ACLs to control the access to shared directories. Maybe that fits more the OP's situation -- without knowing his actual use case, there won't be an easy answer.


Joachim Schrod                          Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Roedermark, Germany

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