I would agree with you Alexey. Another issue I have with Evolution is
that when you move any email into a local folder is copies it, it will
not just more it. The will be a copy of every moved email into a local
folder in Evolutions deleted folder. I logged a bug, but from
recognition I got a wontfix. Someone else may be able to confirm status
of a move email to another local folder as the file types in Evolution
and Thunderbird are Mbox. Once you establish the Evolution directory for
the locally held main and copy only the mbox file not the indexing
files; you can copy straight into the thunderbird directory and the
folder will appear under the locally held folders. You don't need to
import as such. The new local mbox file will be self indexed when you
open the application. The whole issue about a simple copy of every mbox
file from any other source into the local directory. Open thunderbird
and all local folder will appear and the application will index and
provide the equivalent file name with its new thunderbird index and the
mbox file index will be constructed instantly on application open.

The same is true for address books, just about every email client can
either hold name address books in v-card or export to a v-card.
Thunderbird has a very friendly import of v-card address books where you
can manipulate the fields to be retained, reclassified  into new fields
and ignore certain fields

There are other issues with Evolution you all need to be aware of IF you
use a KDE desktop. Please review this bug with an open mind based on
logic not emotive preferences.







Good Evening to all Scott  :-X  16:37 local GMT+10

Alexey Eremenko wrote:
> It's all about features you need.
> For example I need my email client to save emails in HTML format.
> Evolution does not supports this, so I stick with Thunderbird.

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