Easy, Install the backup software "kdar" Backup you ALL partitions and
exclude noting and use "full backup" do not create multiple files to an
NFS drive and verify the installation = I have had my P4 shown on me
reliable due critical temp overheat despite throttling which appear (not
sure) to be overridden. Kdar can be found on a search of software
management using the keyword "backup" in versions 10.0-10.2 - Happy frying

Eberhard Roloff wrote:
> Hi,
> I am looking for an app that makes my CPU as hot as can be.
> This is to test various things that should make my PC silently running
> on a shoestring while staying stable as is.
> I googled, but only found cpuburn 1.4
> While this works, it seems to be developed for PIII 450 machines. I have
> a rather modest machine by todays standards (P4, 2.8), but even starting
> multiple simultaneous instances of cpuburn  never "really" challenge my cpu.
> Does anyone know of something more stressful that works on Linux?
> Thanks much and kind regards
> Eberhard

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