On Thu, May 31, 2007 3:20 am, Eberhard Roloff wrote:
> Kai Ponte wrote:
> [...]
>> ...as I mentioned, I couldn't stand Vista. It is - IMO - worse than
>> XP
>> for usability.
>> http://www.perfectreign.com/stuff/2007/20070519_vista_register1.jpg.jpg
>> http://www.perfectreign.com/stuff/2007/20070519_vista_register2.jpg.jpg
> I love this, especially the second one. After playing around with
> Vista,
> I tend to agree. On the other hand Vistas usability will probably
> increase when you use it for longer.

I suppose so. Still I think Win 2000 was the peak of MS operating
systems. Unfortunately it has been downhill from there.

Next, I need to load Office and Visual Studio

>> In any case, I went ahead and installed SUSE 10.2 and had a major
>> issue with the system locking up. Loading the binary NVidia drivers
>> fixed that and all is well...
>> http://www.perfectreign.com/stuff/2007/20070528_suse_desktop.jpg
> Wow! And a great wallpaper.
> What castle is this and where did you get it from?

Burg Hohenzollern in southern Germany.


I used to be able to see it from my dorm window when I studied there. 
It just looks cool, IMO.

>> ...now the last thing I needed was XP to be loaded for those apps
>> requiring it at work. Being a dual-core 2.x GHz processor with 2G
>> RAM,
>> this can handle VMWare no problem. So, I'm now done...
>> http://www.perfectreign.com/stuff/2007/20070530_suse_xp.jpg
> great!

> At least you got something that makes use of all that engine
> power. ;-))
> For me, it even works ok with my old 750mhz thinkpad where XP is
> running
> in a 384MB-vmware on top of a slick Xubuntu.

Wow - 750MHz - that's impressive. And I think my laptop is too slow. :P

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