Ysgrifennodd Registration Account:
Peter, just to start with I would remove all the
duplicated identical data sources.

Then type the data source in your browser and make sure
 you get a directory/file listing in reply.

Lets us all know what happens after this

Hi Scott,

Thanks a lot for the reply. I've removed the urls from YaST. I'd already done that, in fact, since they obviously weren't doing any good. Strangely, the given url points to the download page on the go-mono website. Here's what the page says:


This distro supports installing packages via YaST. Add the following installation source to YaST:

   * http://go-mono.com/download-stable/suse-100-x86_64

For assistance with using repositories and installing packages with YaST, visit this link: [1] <http://en.opensuse.org/Add_Package_Repositories_to_YaST>


In other words, the url appears to be self-referential. Can that be right? If it is a directory listing, it's a very nicely formatted one!

The assistance link is just a pointer to a wiki page about adding references to YaST: but it talks about things like Zypper, which - as far as I can see - is not available for 10.0


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