On Friday June 1 2007 3:12:05 pm jdd wrote:
> Doug McGarrett wrote:
> > The new writable drive has S L A, and also says
> > S is cable select, L is slave, and A is master.
> > It is jumper-set on L.
> I think you misread the drive. It should read:
> but you must read vertically:
> CS (cable select, avoid it)
> SL slave
> MA master

I have found that Cable Select (CS) vs. Master (MA)/Slave(SL) is very IDE 
controller and/or system BIOS dependent. Some systems won't work w/o all 
devices set CS. Others won't work w/o all devices set as MA/SL. Sometimes 
they work either way but performance obviously favors one over the other. 
Only way to know is to start from factory settings and 'ass-u-me' they may 
have known what they were doing... If all esle fails, try the opposite. 
Salvalged many a broken system/device from almost every brand-name 
manufacturer this way as well as white-box systems.
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