Daniel Bornkessel wrote:
> On Monday 04 June 2007 12:43:09 Dave Howorth wrote:
>> I'm trying to run a Java program from a cron job and have discovered
>> that JAVA_HOME and friends aren't set. What's the best way to set them
>> for cron jobs?
>> I'm presently on 9.3 but will be moving to 10.2 shortly.
> On >= 9.3, execute
> source /usr/share/java-utils/java-functions
> to set $JAVA_HOME

Thanks, I'll try that. Of course you can't source it in the crontab and
adding it to every cron job is a royal pain :(  I was hoping there was a
nicer idiom.

> prior versions had a script called 
> setJava <options>
> to set this variable.

On my 9.2 systems setJava just prints a message saying that it's been
replaced. The systems have /usr/share/java-utils/java-functions.

Cheers, Dave
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