On Wednesday 2007-06-06 00:20, M Harris wrote:
> On Tuesday 05 June 2007 21:13, Kai Ponte wrote:
> > <Kai stands up>
> >
> > "Hi, my name is, Kai."
> >
> > (from audience) "Hi, Kai!"
> >
> > "I am a Kate user and I don't know Vi."
>       Ok, these are for Kai... you have our pitty, but you are our friend.

These desktop icon/scripts do not work here.  A console window opens for a 
second and then closes.  But if I manually run the command specified in the 
Exec= line in the file it launches Kate.  

A minor quirk -- Nohup coughs up a notice to the shell :

nohup: ignoring input and appending output to `nohup.out'

I modified the command to 
1) redirect nohup's stdout/stderr to the bit bucket, 
2) use the -i option for stdin reading with Kate, and 
3) just cat the bash history file, since I usually have line numbers turned on 
in Kate.

Exec=nohup bash -c "(cat ~/.bash_history) | kate -i " >/dev/null 2>&1 &

Still, the command works fine run from a command line, but clicking on the 
icon doesn't run Kate.  I removed  the redirections to make nohup.out and 
this text appears in the file each time the desktop icon "executes" -- I 
gather it is  from Kate:

QObject::disconnect: Unexpected null parameter

Any ideas?
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