On Sat June 9 2007 00:14, Martin Mielke wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've setup my system to use NTP long time ago.
> es.pool.ntp.org is the server of my choice (yep, I'm located in
> Spain) and the only way to properly get the time from there is by
> issuing a /etc/init.d/ntp restart command as root... which is not
> what I'm expecting, as everything was working perfectly some weeks
> ago... The same happens with my PC at work (also OpenSuSE 10.2)...
> Any ideas/hints??

I had this problem in the beginning of using 10.1 and I found somewhere 
that if you add the options "burst iburst" (can be added in the options 
field in Yast) it forces the ntp-client to check on a regular schedule 
again. Since then I've been using these options in all installs.
Carlos FL

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