Did you resolve this yet?

 java-1_4_2-sun-jdbc is needed by (installed) sesam_srv-2.0.2-16

[other dependancies cut]
Have you looked at updating the apps that are dependent on Java 1.4?
I don't know all the versions, but I do see that you are running
several older versions of some of the apps, including your backup util
(sesam_srv)... which is quite old.

If you try to install a single rpm which has loads of other apps
dependent on it (like Java) you are definitely going to have issues.
Have you tried updating using Smart or YAST, and using those tools to
resolve your dependency issues?  Or are you only using rpm -Uvh on the

Here it is.  I get sound but the video window is just a blank blue screen.
$ mplayer -v funnycats.wmv
MPlayer 1.0pre7try2-Fedora-GS-3.4.4 (C) 2000-2005 MPlayer Team

I don't know the solution to this problem, but I did note that you are
not using a SUSE build of MPlayer... you have a Fedora build
installed.  This probably will work OK, but no guarantees.  You really
should snag a SUSE build of MPlayer from Packman or use Smart/YAST
with the 3rd party repositories to install the latest MPlayer.  That
alone may resolve your issues.

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