On 2007-06-16 10:31, Jonathan Arnold wrote:
> Darryl Gregorash wrote:
>> <snip>
>> Make sure RC_LC_ALL is not set in /etc/sysconfig/language.
> It is set to "":
> RC_LC_ALL=""
> Should I just comment out that line entirely?
That is OK, just leave it. Something else is happening, and it is /weird/.
>> Run (as user) "locale" to see if RC_LANG has been changed. If it has,
> $ locale
> (etc)
This is very strange, and I cannot find where it might be getting set.
If you are running in runlevel 5, log out. Then switch to a console
(Ctrl-Alt-F2) and log in as root, run this "init 3". Then go to the
first console (Ctrl-Alt-F1), log in as your ordinary user, and re-run
"locale". If LANG is set to en_US here, then the problem is in the X or
KDE setup.

Alternatively, you might wish to reboot the system into runlevel 3 (at
the boot prompt, just switch to the "Boot Options" field and type in a
number 3, then "enter"). Log in as your ordinary user, and run locale.

Did I say this is /weird/? :-)

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