My ISP is having problems resolving DNS since we all
went on to DSLAM - Its lightning fast but this has
created problems for the ISP not being quick enough to
resolve an enquiry - I am getting a lot of time out
from my ISP. My own site which is hosted by my ISP
represents this same issue.

For those people who are members of DNSSTUFF.COM you
will understand, for others when you join DNSSTUFF.COM
with your domain noted you receive automatic warnings
if anyone has a problem with your site and in this case
my site is hosted by my ISP

NS records at your nameservers has changed from INFO to

A timeout occurred getting the NS records from your
nameservers! None of your nameservers responded fast
enough. They are probably down or unreachable. I can't
continue since your nameservers aren't responding. If
you have a Watchguard Firebox, it's due to a bug in
their DNS Proxy, which must be disabled (31 Jul 2006
UPDATE: several years after being informed of this,
there is a rumor that there is a fix that allows the
Watchguard DNS proxy to work).

I have set-up a trial DNS server of my own, however I
am a bit new to NS servers, and have configured my DNS
server correctly with my ISP being the master and all
NS and C and A, MX records are correctly defined in the

It works very well, however I am lead to believe I
don't really need to define a master zone. Somewhere I
have a thought that should be able to let it do its own
thing by asking the relevant master of its own choice.
What I have created work well with no issues found
watching the system log
I have not really achieved anything as I am asking my
own ISP to resolve DNS enquiries which it already does?

Without freaking me out with editing config files all
over the place, can someone walk me through creating a
DNS server resolve DNS enquires I MAKE with whoever it
wants to?

I do not host my own site locally, I leave all the hard
stuff to my ISP. I just upload the site via the ISP
interface and bingo its there - and costs me nothing.

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