On Jun 18, 07 20:56:44 +0100, Francis Giannaros wrote:
> >Is there any possibility of making "fulltext search" the default, or at any
> >rate putting some sort of indicator like "You will get references to more
> >pages if you use fulltext search" directly under the search box?
> Please raise this suggestion on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.

I'd also suggest to enable a packages-search through the very same search
box :-)

> >Also, is there any reason why the openSUSE Community pages
> >(http://opensuse-community.org) aren't prominently linked to on the
> >openSUSE.org front page?  Again, I could make this edit, but I don't want 
> >to step on anyone's toes.
> Well, yes; legal reasons?

No, I don't think so.
o.o/Legal already explains such links sufficiently:
"Some links allow you to leave the openSUSE site. The linked sites are not
under the control of Novell and Novell is not responsible for the contents
of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site, or any changes
or updates to such sites. Novell is providing these links to you only as a
convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by
Novell of any linked site."

To link to o-c.o use some friendly language from (or similar to) the site
description below.
(Just avoid judgmental words like 'better/evil', 'non-crippled/illegal'.)

> >Which raises the question, I suppose, of whether new pages should go on
> >opensuse.org or opensuse-community.org ....
> Check the o-c.o site description:
> "The openSUSE-Community is a project aiming to channel more of a
> community effort into our favourite distribution, openSUSE. This
> includes -- but is not exclusive to -- adding all the extra
> documentation that is required for a seamless openSUSE experience.
> Through this wiki, we intend to provide a placeholder for all
> additional information. This site is not meant to in any way create a
> duplication of effort to what is already on http://openSUSE.org, but
> rather to be a supplement to what is there."
> To sum up: o-c.o is a supplement for additional information that
> cannot really go directly on o.o. Therefore, if the article can go
> onto o.o, it should go there.

I like that rule!


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