On Wed, 2007-06-20 at 10:23 -0400, Kenneth Schneider wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-06-20 at 14:28 +0200, Hans van der Merwe wrote:
> > My machine, openSUSE 10.2, AMD64 (32bit install ) 3200+ Beryl AIGLX,
> > nVidia 6600, works fine.
> > But; when I do really CPU intensive stuff, mencoder etc, all the effects
> > become sluggish.  As I understand the effects are handled by the display
> > card, so why the slowdown?
> > 
> And what feeds the data to the display card?

OK point taken.  But the data sent to the card is still the same data
sent without Beryl enabled - and I do not get slowdown using KWin?

So, does more data get sent to the card with Beryl enabled - I thought
the 3D stuff was done way down in the driver layer?

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