On Thu 21 June 07 18:34, Pueblo Native wrote:

> Joe Morris (NTM) wrote:
> > Pueblo Native wrote:
> >> While some of these points may have more or less merit to them, the
> >> first one is a no-starter:
> >> "There is *already a standard ISO26300 named Open Document Format
> >> (ODF)*: a dual standard adds cost to industry, government and citizens;"
> >>
> >> Now, I use OO and love it, but I am not so arrogant as to assume that it
> >> is or should be the ONLY standard out there.  Let a thousand flowers
> >> bloom and let the consumer decide what they want.  As long as they have
> >> that power, I'm happy even if they choose Microsoft's OXML format.
> >
> > So as I understand your comment, when it comes to a standard, we should
> > all have our own?  Or even worse, Microsoft should decide what can and
> > cannot be in it?  IMO, this OXML is Microsoft's attempt to circumvent
> > the standard ODF as they cannot compete on a level playing field.  IMHO,
> > standards are no place for variety.  Let applications compete for how
> > well they support the standards, but with multiple targets, it only
> > ensures no (or all) will be hit.  I would rather adhere to one standard,
> > and as its limits are exposed, to amend the one standard rather than
> > have 100 so-called standards.  Already signed the petition.
> Yeah, and I'm sure presenting an internet petition to a standards body
> is going to have a whole lot of importance when ISO decides whether or
> not to accept Microsoft's standard.  Why stop there?  Why not present
> that petition to Microsoft.  I'm sure that once Ballmer sees all those
> self-certifying "signatures" he's going to raise his hands in surrender
> and announce that Office will only be using Open Document Format.

  Better to fight it in any way, than to stand back and cower and do nothing 
at all.

> Technical specs aside, if Microsoft wants to push out its own standard,
> well and good.

  Not really, because then it's not *standards* anymore, it's anarchy in 
standardization and no one wins. Would you like that mobo's have no 
'standards'? How about graphics cards, etc?
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