On Sunday 24 June 2007 12:12, Dave Howorth wrote:
> I just read this:
> On Sunday 24 June 2007 17:45:40 Rajko M. wrote:
> > > On Sunday 24 June 2007 09:11, Anders Johansson wrote:
> > > > On Sunday 24 June 2007 01:36:47 Rajko M. wrote:
> > > > > The latest driver is:
> > > > >  ftp://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-9639/
> > > >
> > > > No, the latest is 100.14.11. The 32 bit version is at
> > > >
> > > > http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/100.14.11/NVIDIA-Linu
> > > >x-x8 6- 100.14.11-pkg1.run
> > >
> > > Hi Anders,
> > >
> > > There is 3 series of drivers for nVidia graphic adapters.
> > > You can see that in:
> > > http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/100.14.11/README/append
> > >ix-a .html
> > >
> > > Daniel has GeForce4 MX 4000 supported with 1.0-96xx series of legacy
> > > drives. The latest in that series for any CPU architecture is 1.0-9639
> > > as listed on: http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html
> I thought I'd start a new thread because I have a related question
> prompted by this information.
> I recently installed Suse 10.2 and added the nvidia repository. It has
> definitely installed and is running an nvidia driver, because I see an
> nvidia splash screen. But YaST tells me that what I have installed is
> nvidia-gfx-kmp-default 1.0.9631_2.6.18.2_34-0.1 and it says
> 1.0.9639_2.6.18.8_0.3-0.1 is available. nvidia-settings tells me I have
> 1.0-9631 too. I've just now discovered that it is a 'legacy' driver.
> But I have a GeForce 6200, which according to the nvidia link above is
> supported by the current 100.14.11 driver. It doesn't need a legacy
> driver.
> So why has YaST installed the legacy driver from the nvidia repository?
> How do I get it to install the current driver? Do I just use YaST to
> select the G01 flavours instead, or is there more to it?
> Cheers, Dave

is the place where YaST is looking for precompiled drivers. 

You can download newest driver and install it using instructions in:
section "The hard way"
The tradeoff for having newest driver is that after every kernel update you 
have to recompile it again, which on reasonably new computer is not pain at 
all. I keep the driver out of YaST sight in /nvidia subdirectory of root home 
directory. That way, after login as root, driver is just 
  cd nvidia
  sh N*
away from me.
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