On Tuesday 26 June 2007 19:28, Damon Register wrote:
> Thomas Hertweck wrote:
> > I think SuSE 9.1 was the first SuSE distribution which came with
> > kernel
> I think that was one reason I decided to buy it back then
> > http://www.digitalhermit.com/linux/Kernel-Build-HOWTO.html
> Thanks.  I bookmarked it
> > specific. I wrote a SuSE-specific Kernel Howto, but it's only
> > available in German at the moment, see
> Interested in translating some day?
> > http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse/2007-03/msg01324.html for
> > details.
> ...
> The only thing I haven't figured out at this point is why the
> previous discussion talked about make modules and make
> modules_install but didn't seem to cover building the kernel.  Did I
> miss something there?  Was Randall intending to build only the
> modules?

I guess this refers to me. I did start the thread in which 
2007-03/msg01324 appeares.

My interest (actually that of a friend who does not have my level of 
Linux knowledge and expertise whom I'd persuaded to switch from 
Windows) was in getting a 10.2-compatible kernel that had the USBDEVFS 
enabled. That's not possible as a loadable module, you have to 
configure the kernel to have it in the resident kernel code.

Which reminds me...

We were told that an updated kernel with the USB device filesystem 
reenabled would be made available through the usual update mechanisms. 
Has that happened?

> Damon Register

Randall Schulz
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